
Solving the challenges of the hydropower market

Dear Business Friend,
The energy market and the hydropower industry especially – is facing many challenges with the growing demand for “base load renewables” and aging of much of the existing hydropower fleet.

Wolfgang Semper, Harald Heber

As a result, new strategies are needed for successful hydro asset management and operation. One solution to reduce costs and improve operations is maintenance optimization to increase revenues. The new Metris DiOMera Platform, developed by ANDRITZ, is addressing these topics. Among recent project successes are the latest orders for Metris DiOMera, coming from the PresAGHO project in South America and Cerro del Águila in Peru.

At a time when baseload power generation from fossil resources has to be replaced by a carbon-free renewable energy-based alternative, large-scale energy hybrid solutions offer a vital approach for the future. Hybrid solutions combine two or more power generation technologies with at least one renewable energy source, as well as a power and energy storage system. The Hatta project in Dubai is proof that ANDRITZ is a competent global partner for this evolving market.

In addition to our large-scale hybrids, ANDRITZ has also developed a dedicated hybrid solution, which combines a battery with a hydropower unit – “HyBaTec”. It increases hydropower asset lifetime by reducing mechanical stresses, triggers additional revenues by enabling participation in the short-term energy market, and opens up further opportunities to shift larger energy demands over the course of a day.

Along with these new technical solutions, several large project contracts have been recently awarded or are actively under construction. Major developments such as Xayaburi in Lao PDR, Laúca in Angola, Murkraftwerk Graz in Austria, or Hoa Binh in Vietnam are some highlights. There are also many interesting opportunities emerging for our small and mini hydropower systems in this growing market.

The energy industry is certainly facing many challenges, but with our technical abilities, the depth of our experience and our highly motivated staff, ANDRITZ is confidently looking forward to the future.

With kind regards, and sincere thanks for your continued trust,
Wolfgang Semper     Harald Heber


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