CFB gasifier in Joutseno, Finland

ANDRITZ biomass gasification plants for clean energy

ANDRITZ is supplying commercially proven gasification plants using woody biomass as fuel.

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Replacement for fossil fuels

Biomass is one of the most abundant resources in the world and to use it as a fuel to replace oil or natural gas will help industries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Read about biomass gasification in the article A major step to reduce carbon footprint in pulp mills in SPECTRUM NOW.

ANDRITZ gasifier technology

ANDRITZ gasification plants are based on Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB)  technology. They are suited for large-scale boilers and kilns, with or without gas cleanup. The approximate capacity can reach up to 150 MW of product gas.

CFB gasification plant in Jouseno, Finland

CFB gasification plant in Jouseno, Finland

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CFB gasifier

Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) gasifiers

Large scale combustible fuel gas production for lime kilns and for the power industry.

Picture of a BFB gasifier installation

Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB) gasifiers

Gasification for Advanced Biofuels and Power.


Reduce carbon footprint in pulp mills

Biomass Gasification for Lime Kilns — Going fossil fuel free is an urgent sustainability topic that has become even more critical due to the current global energy crisis. It is clear we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuel.


Automation for the pulp and paper industry

Optimization, data analysis, augmented reality

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white liquor plant limekiln

White liquor plant services

Maintenance, upgrades, optimization, spare parts, wear parts

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