Customized patterning solutions for nonwoven fabrics
ANDRITZ offers a series of patterns and apertures in its embossing systems for nonwovens
To customize and brand nonwoven fabrics, ANDRITZ Nonwoven offers a full range of patterning and aperturing solutions using calenders or sleeves. The latest development is the 3D patterning technology - neXimaging. This technology allows virtually any kind of patterning and/or aperturing at very high production speeds. The sleeve reproduces logos and 3D artwork with exceptionally high quality of detail. Logo and pattern definition is enhanced, while optimal production speeds are maintained. Logos can be designed to customer requirements.
Range of patterning/aperturing technologies:
- Thermo-embossing for permanent effects
- PL for geometric design
- MPP for customized design for patterning
- MP+ for 3D embossed patterning
- neXimaging for extra-fine 3D design
ANDRITZ experts can assist customers by testing and developing new patterns in the company’s technical centers.