
Distributed Control System PrimeDCS

Control system for paper process automation

As a developer of tailored process distributed control system solutions for process automation, ANDRITZ AUTOMATION for PULP&PAPER offers PrimeAUTOMATION solutions such as PrimeControl or PrimeDCS.

This Distributed Control System (DCS) aligned to the specific needs of paper machines includes extended features for process automation throughout the paper mill, minimizing the number of subsystems and associated interfaces.

Benefits of the distributed control system PrimeDCS

  • Project management by local key account
  • Global and interdisciplinary project execution know-how
  • Cost-efficiency by minimization of interfaces
  • Overhead savings due to machine and process automation
  • Individually tailored process control system solution
  • Operator usability design
  • Common engineering platform for operation and training synergies
  • Data security by exclusive use of internal single entry points for maintenance and support
  • Modular concept allowing flexible integration of further process entities

The PrimeDCS distributed control system is an individually developed automation solution specializing in processes within the paper industry. Comprehensive packages for turnkey solutions cover all-embracing outsourcing requirements, while special solutions based on customer requirements make it possible to harmonize distributed control systems and cater to individual requirements.


Process control systems DCS 

PrimeDCS unified distributed control system architecture eliminates interface costs during the capital and service phase of a project and performs machine and process automation tasks, while making considerable savings on overhead investments. Industrial standard components and services secure the investment and minimize dependencies.

Further characteristics and scope of the distributed control system PrimeDCS

  • IO cabinets with individual routing level, UPS and fieldbus link
  • DCS hardware according to specifications
  • Computer/Server/Client switchgear cabinets with KVM system
  • EN 62381 certified test and approval

The outstanding ANDRITZ PULP&PAPER process automation software library offers

  • Real-time alarm logging
  • Fully transparent sequence visualization
  • Interlock display with first-in evaluation
  • Maintenance override and test modes
  • Integrated service shift book
  • Alarm and event history
  • Advanced and flexible trending
  • Modern visualization
  • aa-primedcs-distributed_control_system-process_automation.pdf
    PrimeDCS brochure

    A Distributed Control System (DCS) aligned to specific needs of paper machines and extended features for process automation throughout paper mills, eliminating interface costs and creating savings. That is PrimeDCS, an individually tailored turnkey solution.

    PDF : 1.5 MB