ANDRITZ Hydropower

A leading supplier for hydraulic power generation

Contact our Hydropower team

ANDRITZ Hydropower is one of the world's leading suppliers of electromechanical equipment and services for hydropower stations in the dynamically growing global renewable energy market. Based on 185 years of experience and a global installed capacity of 470 gigawatts, we offer innovative solutions for new and existing hydropower stations, from small hydropower to large-scale plants. State-of-the-art digital solutions, comprehensive services for the operation and maintenance of entire hydropower plants, and turbo generators for the thermal industry complete the portfolio.

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Hydropower potential worldwide

Currently, approximately 16% of the world's electrical energy comes from hydropower. It offers a wide spectrum of applications, including energy storage for grid stability and peak load coverage.

ANDRITZ Hydropower image video (english)

Company video of ANDRITZ Hydropower – one of the leading global suppliers for electromechanical systems and services for hydropower plants

Hydropower is the most economical form of renewable energy. In close cooperation with its customers, ANDRITZ Hydropower elaborates long-living, environmentally friendly and economically efficient solutions for hydraulic power generation. Maintaining the natural environment, mankind, and technology in perfect harmony is an important part of ANDRITZ Hydropower’s corporate culture.

Thus sustainability and conservative use of resources are given top priority.

ANDRITZ Hydropower highlights:

  • More than 185 years of accumulated experience in turbine design
  • Over 33,200 turbines (more than 489,000 MW) installed globally
  • Over 135 years of experience in electrical equipment
  • The complete range up to more than 800 MW

ANDRITZ Hydropower is a leading supplier in the service and rehabilitation market and a world market leader for small hydropower solutions.

Contact us

Eibesbrunnergasse 20
1120 Vienna

+43 50805 55555