Austria - Spielfeld

ANDRITZ HYDRO has been awarded a contract from VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH for the rehabilitation of the complete secondary equipment at the Spielfeld hydropower station in Austria.

© Hydro Power GmbH

The run-of-river power station was originally built between 1980 and 1982 by Steirische Wasserkraft- und Elektrizitäts AG. It is located at the northern end of the eponymous valley at the  Mur River, in the Austrian state of Styria. The power house comprises two horizontal units, consisting of one 7.6 MW Kaplan bulb turbine and one directly connected 10 MVA three-phase synchronous generator. The three radial gates include supporting valves and have a clear span of 22 m, as well as a closure height of 6 m.

ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply covers refurbishment and erection of the secondary equipment at both units, including excitation, electrical protection and governors, gates, the redundant water economics component, and the inclusion of general equipment.

With HPP Spielfeld another hydropower station on the Mur River will be equipped with products and know-how from ANDRITZ HYDRO.

Technical data


Output:2 x 10 MVA                              
Voltage:6.3 kV

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