Events in the Brazilian Market 2013

Following its policy of taking part in events and other activities promoted by the Brazilian electric sector, ANDRITZ HYDRO Inepar and ANDRITZ HYDRO Brazil have participated in the most important trade fairs in 2013.


The National Seminar on Large Dams in Porto de Galinhas (Pernambuco state), the ERIAC – Cigré’s Ibrian-American Regional Meeting in Foz do Iguaçu (Paraná state), the SIMPASE – Electrical Systems Automation Symposium in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais state) or the HydroVision Brazil in São Paulo (São Paulo state) are just a few examples from our event calendar during 2013.

ANDRITZ HYDRO was on site with stands in many events, presentations of technical papers developed by its employees and offered institutional lectures on several occasions. Making sure that our brand names are being spread throughout the country is central to our concept of being the largest supplier of hydropower equipment in the world is demonstrated.


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