ANDRITZ Hydro business division key visual

Ecuador, Due

After the successful project execution of the 2×9 MW Calope hydropower plant in Ecuador in 2006, Hidroalto Generacion De Energia S.A. awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO a new contract for the supply of electro-mechanical equipment for the Due hydropower plant in 2015.

The project is located on the Due River in the Province of Sucumbios, Ecuador. ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply comprises two horizontal Francis turbines with an output of 25 MW each, as well as generators, inlet butterfly valves (DN2200), pressure relief valves (DN1100), hydraulic power units, cooling system, control and automation, MV switchgear, and electrical auxiliaries. This project is being executed by an international team from ANDRITZ HYDRO France delivering the turbines, ANDRITZ HYDRO India supplying the generators, and ANDRITZ HYDRO Colombia responsible for control and electrical equipment.

This contract confirms again the confidence this customer places in ANDRITZ HYDRO and strengthens its position in the Ecuadorian market. Final commissioning is expected by mid-2017.


Output2×25 MW
2×28 MVA
Head111.12 m
Speed450 rpm
Runner diameter1,681 mm





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