Hydro News Asia - Cover foto

Myanmar - Electrification on the upswing

Myanmar has abundant natural resources attracting potential foreign investments in the energy sector, among others. Land reforms and modernization of the financial sector, as well as transportation and electricity infrastructure, are contributing to the economic opening of the country.

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Economic growth also leads to increasing electricity demand and in Myanmar renewables are supported through a policy initiative. Myanmar has a promising hydropower potential, equivalent to 46,000 MW. To date, less than 7% of this potential has been developed. This, combined with a target to achieve 100% electrification by 2030, opens up interesting opportunities for hydropower investment.

ANDRITZ Hydro in Myanmar

After about 40 years of being active in the Myanmar market, in 2013 ANDRITZ established a representative office in the city of Yangon. This local team is actively involved in hydropower development with capacity building and training activities, as well as offering expertise in project development and supply of equipment and services.

Upper Nam Htum, Nam Htum River, 3.2 MW

Upper Nam Htum: Upper Nam Htum is a small run-of-river hydropower plant which utilizes the discharge of the Nam Htum River with four horizontal Francis turbines, each with an output of 1,020 kW.

Upper Nam Htum is the first hydropower project in Myanmar since the 1980s to use European-sourced electro-mechanical equipment.

ANDRITZ supplied the entire electro-mechanical and hydro-mechanical “from water-to-wire” package for Upper Nam Htum. After successful commissioning, the Final Acceptance Certificate was received in January 2019.

With a total capacity of 3.2 MW, Upper Nam Htum is providing electricity to four wards and the villages of Putao and Machanbaw Township, and supporting regional development and tourism.

ANDRITZ is proud to contribute to the development of the remote Putao region and introduce state-of-the-art hydropower technology to Myanmar.

Upper Nam Htum, Nam Htum River, 3.2 MW

General Facts

Population:53.7 million
Access to electricity:69%
Installed hydro capacity:3,477 MW
Hydropower under construction:1,700 MW
Share of generation from hydropower:60%
Hydro generation per year:15,802 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential per year:46,330 GWh
Total installed/ rehabilitated units:20
Total installed/ rehabilitated capacity:10 MW

Author: Ngwe Thein Htike


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