
Services for cold rolling mills and finishing lines

Cold rolling mills and finishing lines: Maximize your performance

Unlock peak efficiency with our tailored services for your cold rolling mills and terminal equipment for processing lines as well as finishing lines. At ANDRITZ, we provide comprehensive solutions to boost your mill’s performance and availability. Our revamp and modernization services are designed to upgrade your individual machines or entire mills, ensuring increased efficiency and operational longevity.

What this means for you:

  • Enhanced efficiency: Achieve peak operational efficiency with our tailored services specifically designed for you.
  • Increased availability: Minimize downtime and maximize your plant’s availability.
  • Longevity of equipment: Extend the lifespan of your machinery with our comprehensive upgrade solutions.
  • Expert repairs: Benefit from our in-house and on-site repairs, including complete machine overhauls, delivering expert service when and where you need it.
  • Fast support: Utilize our troubleshooting services for quick, reliable support for your mechanical and electrical issues, available both remotely and on-site.

Cold rolling mills

Sundwig MonoBlock

Sundwig MonoBlock

  • Mill application for high quality strip material in stainless- and carbon steel as well as nonferrous materials 
  • Revamping of own and also third party equipment e.g. mill actuators like Screw down, bending and axialshifting. Investigation and optimization of roll changing applications and handling
  • All associated modules and machines, such as mill tables, coilers or cooling and lubrication systems, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes

20-high cold rolling mill

  • Mill application for high quality strip material in stainless- and carbon steel as well as nonferrous materials 
  • Revamping of own and also third party equipment e.g. mill actuators like Screw down, bending and axialshifting as well as SFC Split housing related topics like passline wedge checkup or back up roll lubrication optimization. Investigation and optimization of roll changing applications and handling
  • All associated modules and machines, such as mill tables, coilers or cooling and lubrication systems, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes

S6-high cold rolling mill

  • Excellent product quality across a wide range of strip gauges, hardness and widths
  • Check up and alignment of side support beams, customized calibration cassettes for quick and uncomplicated side support calibration. Also revamping of adjustment system, lateral shifting and IMR- Bending as well as strip cooling optimization
  • Upgrade from 4H to combination mill 4H/S6H also possible, after detailed investigation
  • All associated modules and machines, such as mill tables, coilers or cooling and lubrication systems, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes 

4-/S6-high cold rolling mill

  • Excellent product quality across a wide range of strip gauges, hardness and widths
  • Check up and alignment of side support beams, customized calibration cassettes for quick and uncomplicated side support calibration. Also revamping of adjustment system, lateral shifting and IMR- Bending as well as strip cooling optimization
  • Upgrade from 4-high to combination mill 4-/S6-high also possible, after detailed investigation
  • All associated modules and machines, such as mill tables, coilers or cooling and lubrication systems, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes 

4-high cold rolling mill

  • Reliable mill type in carbon and stainless as well as nonferrous applications.
  • Revamping of mill actuators and optimization of flatness performance by adding zone cooling system       
  • All associated modules and machines, such as mill tables, coilers or cooling and lubrication systems, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes

6-high cold rolling mill

  • Ideal for offline application handling a variety of strip widths and materials
  • Revamping and optimization of strip cooling system, IMR and Work roll bending systems as well as Work roll off- center adjustment systems 
  • All associated modules and machines, such as mill tables, coilers or cooling and lubrication systems, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes

Finishing lines

High precision for customer requirements

Coil Preparation Lines

  • Customized revamping of preparation lines according to customers needs, whether coilers, shears, or coil handling equipment 
The transfer stacker guarantees highest stacking precision 

Cut-to-Length Lines

  • From Coil to plate in a range of 0.1 mm up to 25 mm in thickness and from 600 mm up to 3,200 mm in width the Cut to length lines are uncoiling, leveling, trimming and stacking for almost all kind of material applications 
  • Retrofitting, Revamping and optimization of all components and machines related to a CTL line, like changing to electrical driven Cut to length shear, retrofitting side trimming shear or optimization of decoiler mandrel design

Precision Leveler

  • Precision Levelling also for Coil blanking line applications
  • Upgrading and Revamping of levelling cassettes adjustment systems and automation

Recoiling and Inspection Lines

  • Customized revamping of recoiling and inspection lines according to customer’s needs, whether which equipment or machine 
Automatical Slitting Shear

Slitting Lines

  • Slitting Lines for carbon and stainless materials as well as aluminum including all necessary machines and components around
  • Complete Retrofitting of slitting shears as well as optimization of knife material and life time 
  • All associated modules and machines, such as coilers or strip infeed trolley, can also be retrofitted, revamped or optimized on a customer-specific basis in mechanical and electrical purposes

Tension Leveling Lines

  • Tension Levelling by bending and stretching components to elongate the neutral zone
  • Retrofitting or revamping of Tension leveler within the line or complete exchange of the machine under taking into account the customer specific requirements 
Recoiler and deflection unit

Multi-Purpose Lines

  • Customized revamping of your individual lines according to customer’s needs, whether which equipment or machine.

Individual offerings – to all product segment sensor 

Using 3D laser scanner and tracker technology, to ensure precise machine alignment and on sote recording also from third party equipment as basis for revamps, and modernizations . Our expanding field service division offers continuous  support in regular inspections and maintenance as well as process optimization and operator training, empowering your team in takinf full care of your equipment or to concentrate on the essentials and let us take care of the rest. 
From manufacturing to service, ANDRITZ is your trusted partner in production optimization.

Repair and maintenance

Spare parts and tools

Rebuild and modernization

Advisory services

Contact us
ANDRITZ Metals Germany GmbH
ANDRITZ (China) Ltd.
ANDRITZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd.