Furnace systems for the steel and copper industry

Services for furnaces

Boost performance and quality with our comprehensive furnace services

We are here to ensure your strip, reheating, aluminum melting, or heat-treatment furnaces operate at their best. Once the equipment is installed in your production line, we offer a wide range of services including inspections, audits, and upgrades tailored to your needs.

Whether you aim to reduce energy consumption, hybridize, or convert your energy supply to improve your green footprint, expand digitalization and material tracking, or meet new market demands, our services are designed to help you achieve these goals. Our expertise and dedication are at your disposal to ensure you succeed in enhancing your furnace performance and quality. As the OEM of former Bricmont, Maerz, and FBB related furnace designs and burners, ANDRITZ is equipped to handle any furnace parts and service need.

What this means for you:

  • Transferring to sustainable thermal process: implementing of modern heating systems including hybridisation and H2 readiness.
  • Increasing of thermal efficiency and lowering of CO2 / NOx emission: implementation of high efficient heating systems with in-house regenerative & recuperative heat recovery.
  • Improving of thermal process quality:  upgrading the furnaces to international standards like AMS 2750F or API 6.
  • Reduction of operational and maintenance costs: increasing the level of automation with dedicated in-house solutions.
  • Obselecence avoidence and improved safety through automation/electrical upgrades.

Continuous furnaces for the steel industry

Reheating process


Rotary hearth furnace

In rotary hearth furnaces, the material is heated to temperatures between 500 and approx. 1,350°C. Typical furnace capacities are approx. 0–10 t/h. Regenerative burners and hot-air burners are used for heating rotary hearth furnaces.

Rotary table furnace

Rotary table furnace

In rotary table furnaces, the material is heated to temperatures between 500 and approx. 1,350°C. Typical furnace capacities are approx. - 0 t/h. Regenerative burners and hot-air burners are used for heating the rotary table furnaces.


Pusher-type furnace

In pusher-type furnaces, the material is heated to temperatures between approx. 1,100 and 1,300°C. Typical furnace capacities are approx. 50- 50 t/h. Regenerative burners and hot-air burners are used for heating pusher-type furnaces.


Walking hearth and walking beam furnace

These furnaces achieve throughputs of up to 500 t/h at a discharge temperature of 1,250°C and are used for reheating slabs and billets in front of hot mills for plates, rails, sections, wires, and various long products. Regenerative burners and traditional hot-air burners are used to heat the product.


Tunnel furnace

Positioned between the caster and the mill in a CSP line these furnaces provide buffer time between the caster and mill operations.  Allowing time for soaking and temperature uniformity of the bar are critical aspects of a tunnel furnace.  Traditional hot-air or recuperative burners maintain steel temperatures for rolling and transport rolles convey the product to the mill.  

Heat treatment process


Roller hearth furnace

In roller hearth furnaces, the material is heated to temperatures of up to 1,100°C. Typical furnace capacities are approx. 5-80 t/h. Recuperation and regenerative burners as well as hot-air burners are used for heating roller hearth furnaces.


Double walking beam furnace

In double walking beam furnaces, the material is heated to temperatures of up to 1,150°C. Typical furnace capacities are approx. 5-80 t/h. In addition to hot-air burners, recuperation burners are increasingly being used for heating double walking beam furnaces.

Batch furnaces for the steel industry

Heat treatment process


Car bottom annealing furnace

Designed as heat treatment furnaces for a temperature range of 100 to 1,150°C for heat treatment in forging mills, foundries, and heat treatment-only plants in the steel industry as well as in the non-ferrous metal industry. Maximum charge: 500 t.

hood-type-furnace_metals (1)

Hood-type furnace

This furnace type is used for the entire process of forging through heat treatment for special applications. Working temperature range from 00 to approx. 1,150°C. The hood or cover is moved automatically with a traveling crane or other suitable lifting device.


Heat treatment pit furnace

These plants are used for the entire process of forging through heat treatment for special applications. Temperature range from 700 to approx. 1,150°C. The covers are moved automatically with a traveling crane or other suitable lifting device.

Forging process

car bottom forge furnaace

Car bottom forge furnace

Designed as heat treatment furnaces for a temperature range of 100 to 1,150°C for heat treatment in forging mills, foundries, and heat treatment-only plants in the steel industry as well as in the non-ferrous metal industry. Maximum charge: 500 t.


Chamber and double-chamber furnace

This furnace type is used for heating steel in forging and rolling mill plants as well as for heat treatment. Working temperature range from 500 to approx. 1,300°C. In the heat treatment process, chamber furnaces are often combined with quenching baths and charging installations for automatic operation of the entire heat treatment process (hardening, tempering, etc.).


Pit furnace

This furnace type is used for heating steel ingots and is designed as a large chamber furnace or as a high quality single-chamber pit furnace, especially for heating highly sensitive stainless steels. Temperature range from 700 to 1,300°C. Charging weights between approx. 5 and 15 t.

Strip furnaces for the steel industry

me_HAPL Stainless Steel

Stainless steel strip annealing furnaces - CAPL, HAPL, BAL processing lines:

To process stainless steel coil with the follow cycles:  Hot and cold annealing and pickling as well as bright annealing with strip heat cycles up to 1,250°C.

me_cgl Carbon Steel

Carbon steel strip annealing furnaces for CGL, CAL processing lines

To process hot rolled and cold rolled coils with dedicated heat cycles from mild steel up to 3rd generation AHSS, through proprietary cup-shaped direct fired burners and/or radiant tubes heating/soaking chambers, proprietary powerful differential rapid cooling jet @ 5% H2, as well as after pot cooling and post treatment tower.

Aluminum Melting / Holding furnaces


Melting and Holding furnaces

Used in the processing of aluminum in various alloys the melting furnace is used to liquify scrap and combine it with virgin aluminum.  After being transfered to the holding furnace through a launder the aluminum is temperature homoginized and final alloying takes place.  The tilting holder pours the liquid aluminum into the casting equipment under tightly controlled conditions.

Maximum efficiency for industrial applications

Following the successful setup and launch of your facility, we provide an extensive suite of spare parts and engineered services including inspections, audits, modernizations, and digitalization solutions.

Whether you’re looking to enhance plant availability, boost performance, or improve product quality, ANDRITZ is committed to elevating your overall equipment effectiveness. Moreover, should market conditions demand a strategic overhaul of your production portfolio, our comprehensive services are designed to help you navigate these changes seamlessly.

Repair and maintenance


Spare parts and tools

Advisory services

Rebuild and modernization

Optimize your furnace: Refractory shells and burners


Refractory shells

for pusher-type and walking hearth and walking beam furnaces.

Find out more!