Shapemeter roll services

As a leading licensee of the BFI system with a great deal of experience, ANDRITZ always makes a substantial contribution to all further developments, which is why our shapemeter roll is in line with the latest technology at all times. More than 1450 installations are proof of its strong market acceptance, with more BFI shapemeter rolls in operation than any other system. 

With these systems comes maintenance.  This work is now in the ANDRITZ Metals USA in Ambridge, PA facility where the shape:tronic team is able to determine the best fit for what is needed in to become a trusted partner in your life cycle optimization process.

In this new location ANDRITZ has a team that not only performs the service needs of the past, but continually drives forward into new requirements and competencies. The current industry method of the Static Test Bench (STB) is being used and has had some unique software changes allowing ANDRITZ to obtain enhanced testing results. These enhanced results are now able to be translated into an even more comprehensive detailed health analysis of the roll. All required repairs are made with genuine spare parts from ANDRITZ or BFI with the local in-house team.

Along with the service center enhancements ANDRITZ has expanded its local site service options. To the customer this is a potential cost savings in time and production through not having the equipment out of the line for an extended period of time.

The latest phase of enhancement included a new Dynamic Roll Testing (DRT) stand. The DRT, with proven technology in the ANDRITZ Metals Germany facility in Hemer, is the only dynamic BFI testing facility in the North American market. With the DRT, ANDRITZ will be able diagnose some of the aging roll issues where as many of the rolls in North America are 15 to 20 years old and nearing end of life. However to simply replace a roll in the current economic conditions is not always a viable option. Many erratic signal phenomena’s can only be seen in a simulated mill setting which only DRT can give us. The DRT also will give an even more accurate health check to the complete roll and all of its part in a similar setting to a true performance setting.

ANDRITZ Metals USA services avail­able for BFI Shapemeter rolls:

  • Basic and comprehensive repairs
  • Piezo-Quartz force sensors replace­ments
    - P-Type
    - S-Type
    - A-Type
  • Static roll testing of individual sensors for calibration, linearity and hysteresis
  • Dynamic roll testing of individual sen­sors for calibration, linearity and hys­teresis
    -Testing at 30rpm for a basic tests and diagnostics
    -Simulation can run at full rolling speeds for further diagnostics
    -Additional electrical diagnostics of the rotating electronics are done with the interface to the dy­namic test bench
  • Roll recoats
    - Chrome
    - Rubber (MITEX)
    - Tungsten Carbide
    - PU Covering
    - Specialty Materials
  • Rotating roll electronics testing and re­pairs
  • Parallel switch box repairs and re­placements
  • Isolation diagnostics
  • Mechanical wear parts repairs Simple maintenance
    - Refurbishment
    - Replacement
    - Fabrication
  • Roll neck evaluations, sleeves and hard surfacing repairs
    - Roll journals
    - Roll necks
    - Bearings
    - Bearing housings

Stock OEM Spare Parts

ANDRITZ Metals USA site services and training

  • Installation supervision assistance
  • Preventative maintenance
  • System health checks and overall per­formance evaluations
  • Calibration on HS rolls
  • Alignment
  • Field service
  • Logistic services
  • Training
    - Site
    - Shop
    - Practical
    - Maintenance
contact us
United States
P.O. Box AB, 130 Main Street
Pennsylvania 16024
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