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  • Autonomous power boiler solution

Autonomous power boiler solution - Metris BOA

The first step towards autonomous power boilers is our digital advisor Metris BOA – a web application that utilizes big data (B) to optimize (O) and analyze (A) the power plant processes and monitor the equipment installed.

Metris BOA Data Funnel


The Metris BOA digital adviser provides guidance for the operator to improve process efficiency, increase the runnability of the plant, and optimize the use of additives and consumables, which all leads to reductions in operating cost and maintenance costs. The web browser-based application uses the real-time data from the plant or equipment and presents them in a modern dashboard. Actual data and calculated KPIs relating to processes or equipment provide status information at a glance. Advanced algorithms based on machine learning and pattern diagnostics detect easily overlooked long-term process changes.

Metris BOA runs 24 h a day and 7 days a week, screening and monitoring the customer’s plant. Push notifications and recommendations help the operator in his everyday work to optimize plant performance. Automatically generated monthly reports increase the awareness of opportunities to reduce operating costs. Live pre-warnings of-out-of range process situations reduce the likelihood of damage to the plant or even unplanned shutdowns.

The basic collection of functions is provided in predefined advisors that cover performance improvements, reduction of emissions, utility optimization, and smart data analyses. Customized advisors can be added as required.


Metris BOA advisors help you get the most out of your plant within its design limits in order to:


Optimize performance efficiency:

  • Fine-tuning of the right parameters for high efficiency, considering load, combustion conditions, fuel composition, and fluidized bed condition.

Increased availability:

  • Keeping your plant at its optimum operating point but within the design limits, reducing the risk of faults, excessive wear, or even unscheduled shutdowns.

Optimized usage of resources:

  • Optimize your consumption of consumables, whether its sootblowing steam, auxiliary power, or additives for flue gas cleaning.

Reduced operating expenses:

  • All of the above mentioned enable your plant to be operated cost-effectively, whether it is in operation, or undergoing maintenance.

Find out more ...

Contact us
Metris BOA
Eibesbrunnergasse 20
1120 Vienna
Metris BOA
Tammasaarenkatu 1
00810 Helsinki
  • ANDRITZ autonomous power boiler leaflet PDF : 372 KB
  • ANDRITZ power boilers

    Reliable and efficient power generation

    PDF : 4.9 MB
  • Press release and photo ZIP : 733 KB