ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center in Austria

ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center

Discover the ART of Recycling

On a total area of 3,600 m2, the ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center in St. Michael, Austria, allows recycling tests with a wide variety of raw materials on state-of-the-art recycling machines of industrial size. The new recycling test center is equipped with innovative shredding technology from the recently presented ADuro product line and enables trials under real plant conditions.

The ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center – ART Center for short – is open to recycling customers from almost all industries as well as to research and development facilities.

Join us on tour through the new pilot plant for the recycling industry!

Our capabilities with focus on:

Customer tests

  • Individual machine demonstrations with diverse materials and operation parameters
  • Demonstration of recycling processes
  • Prove of capacity and output quality of processed materials
  • Basic sample analysis
  • Preparation of raw materials for further testing

Research & development

  • Processing of new materials and development of new recycling solutions
  • Testing of new machine settings and configuration for different applications
  • Optimization of recycling machines
  • Testing of new prototypes
  • Networking with other test centers and laboratories

In the new technology center, customers can run tests with their own material or with material provided by ANDRITZ, drawing on the expertise and knowledge of recycling experts. This means that customers can easily plan new recycling projects and investments and also reduce investment risks to a minimum.

The ART-Center is equipped with the latest ADuro shredders for primary and secondary shredding as well as for fine granulation and dismantling of composite materials:

Tire recycling in the new ANDRITZ recycling pilot plant

Plastic waste recycling with the ADuro U shredder

Discover the ART of Recycling

Live-Stream Opening Event

ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center

November 12, 2020, 2-3 pm CET (in German)


Missed the event?

Watch recording now!

Photo competition

Motto: "The ART of Recycling"


'The ART of Recycling' was the motto of our livestream opening event at the ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center. The participants in our photo competition have creatively interpreted this slogan and created impressive art works.

We would like to thank all students of the HTL Ortwein School in Graz, Austria, for their contribution and we especially congratulate our three winners! 

The winning pictures can be admired in the ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center.

First place: Eating the consequences of my actions 

© Tamara Pirker

Second place: Refashion

© Joachim Moerth

Third place: Change

© Philipp Broos
contact us
ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center
Murfeld 3
8770 St. Michael
  • ANDRITZ Recycling Technology Center PDF : 422 KB
  • ADuro shredders

    Performance meets durability

    PDF : 1.2 MB