ANDRITZ offers excellent FibreSolve LC pulping systems including detrashing as well the FibreFlow drum pulper for slushing highly contaminated furnishes with superior performance.
Equipped with an optimized rotor and vat, ANDRITZ LC pulpers achieve high pulping efficiency with gentle treatment of fibers. Combining the FibreGuard detrashing system, even pulps containing a high level of contaminants can be handled with ease. Specialized materials, low rotational speeds, and fast reject removal maximize the lifetimes of the individual machine components.
High production capacity and low power consumption due to the combination of pulping and screening in one compact unit make the FibreFlow drum pulper your ideal choice. As a result, less equipment is required in the pulping and detrashing process. The drum removes contaminants in the first stage of the process without generating fines or damaging fibers.