Smart Series

Enablers of the smart future

Things are changing – for the better. Mills need smart solutions for optimization and autonomy to improve the efficiency and profitability of operations on a continuous basis. Turning quality information into knowledge for smart decisions is the future, and the timing couldn’t be better for the Smart Series of intelligent instruments.

Smart Series is all about taking mills to their highest level of autonomy, availability and productivity, filling gaps in information previously unavailable and encouraging data-driven decision making. It makes an opportunity of the evolving skillset among mill operators through the introduction of a digital culture. Those set to retire in the next decade are irreplaceable. But into their shoes steps a generation who inhabit a digital world and will naturally gravitate towards a digitalised working environment.

Stephan Keuschnigg-Zingl, Senior Vice President, ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper Automation

“ANDRITZ is very strong in simulation and digitalization. The Smart Series portfolio adds the vital ability of high-quality process measurements and analyzers to enable better simulation models as well as vision systems and robotics to reach a higher level of autonomy,” says Senior Vice President Pulp & Paper Automation at ANDRITZ Stephan Keuschnigg-Zingl. Together with Metris Digital Solutions, the Smart Series enables the next level of sustainable value as the vital link between process control and digitalization throughout the customer’s value chain.

“To be autonomous you need to know where your process is and work with meaningful data to create high-fidelity online dynamic process simulation - a ‘digital twin’. The Smart Series is all about intelligent instrumentation to make this possible, optimize processes, handle and minimize anomalies and deviations, including then validating the sensors themselves in the digital twin models and enabling what-if scenarios. This is the root of genuine autonomy.” adds Stephan.

The automation pyramid graphic shows where Smart Series play their part and create a vital link within the ANDRITZ automation and digitalization portfolio, in the context of Metris Digital Solutions, ANDRITZ Automation, Electrification & Instrumentation and ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper process and process equipment. Thus it highlights the important role of Smart Series as enablers for the digitalization!

ANDRITZ Automation pyramid

To accomplish this mission Smart Series products and solutions are organized in five categories:

  • Measurements: Intelligent process measurements and machine vision analysis enhance process understanding, filling gaps in previously unavailable information.
  • Analyzers: Process analyzers dive into key process parameters, enhancing process comprehension beyond prior capabilities.
  • Condition Monitoring: Condition Monitoring solutions transform reactive maintenance into predictive maintenance, extending equipment lifespan and minimizing unplanned shutdowns. 
  • Robotics and Mechatronics: Robots in robotics and mechatronics solve numerous challenges, reducing human intervention in hazardous areas while handling routine tasks and maintenance.
  • Flow Control: NAF Control Valves represent the flow control solutions part of the Smart Series, with high-quality, reliable, and safe flow control solutions.

All automation and digitalization offerings for the Pulp and Paper market aim to provide customers benefit through the following six sustainable value propositions: Process Efficiency & Optimization, Availability & reliability, Sustainability & Safety, Data management & analytics and Cyber Security, in-cloud or on premise.

Improvement by measurement

Johanna Newcomb, Vice President Automation and Digitalization – ANDRITZ Smart Series

“You can only improve what you can measure,” sums up Johanna Newcomb, Vice President of Smart Solutions at ANDRITZ. “Intelligent instruments capture the status of a process, allow the setting of meaningful benchmarks and data for further control and optimization.

“Sustainability is a major winner with the Smart Series and is a subject close to my heart,” adds Johanna. “Reduced energy consumption (from refining for example), minimized carbon footprint, improved process efficiency – all are logical consequences of a process optimized through turning data from smart instrumentation into knowledge. Safety is another critical aspect of sustainability which is also addressed through autonomy, by distancing operators from potentially hazardous tasks through robotics and mechatronics.”

Unique challenges

”The wide range and constant variability of fiber sources for pulp and paper mills presents a unique challenge,” adds Stephan Keuschnigg-Zingl.“ There are also sidestreams, such as methanol and biofuel becoming more and more important for our customers. So, it is important that at ANDRITZ we are more than an integrator: we own and actively develop the products within the Smart Series portfolio that make a difference for our customers to run their operation in an efficient and sustainable way.”

The latest examples are NAF control valves, which brought process flow control into the portfolio in May 2024, Procemex, which added machine vision capabilities in June 2024, and the latest in August, PulpEye an innovative analyzer and measurement technology  company,  their products contribute to stabilized and higher pulp quality, process efficiency and reduced energy consumption in pulp production.

Smart Series typifies the benefits of the One ANDRITZ approach. ANDRITZ’s experience and knowledge in process, service and automation puts it in a position of strength to take the entire value stream’s efficiency to a new level with Smart Series, enabling process and plant autonomy. It’s not just about delivering a smart product but sustaining and enhancing the benefits which that product provides over time, not only in a single process area but to support our customers to automate and digitalize their entire production value chain.

ANDRITZ launched the Smart Series of intelligent instruments at Pulp & Beyond in Helsinki, Finland in April 2024.


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