A businessman signs a contract

Compliance and ethics

Compliance and ethics form the foundation of the way we do business.

ANDRITZ is strongly committed to legal compliance and ethical conduct. The cornerstones of our compliance culture are integrity, respect, reliability and sustainability. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics sets out these standards and provides guidance with the aim of ensuring that all ANDRITZ employees live up to our corporate values, principles and rules. It applies to all ANDRITZ employees, is made available to everyone and is translated in 14 languages. Mandatory compliance trainings ensure that all employees are familiar with the topics set out in the Code of Conduct and Ethics.  

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Compliance management system and organization

We have established an effective group-wide compliance management system across ANDRITZ, ensuring continuous coverage in all regions in which we operate and focusing on the following topics: prevention of corruption, anti-competitive behavior and insider trading as well as HR-related issues and human rights, supplier compliance, export control and data protection.

To verify the effectiveness of compliance across the ANDRITZ GROUP and achieve continuous improvements, our compliance management system is certified according to ISO 37301, and the anti-corruption management system holds an ISO 37001 certification. 

The Group Compliance organization ensures that risk assessments are carried out and that compliance policies and procedures are implemented and improved. In addition, it conducts internal and external audits to assess the effectiveness of rules and make further improvements.

Speak UP!

We encourage all our employees, business partners and other stakeholders to report any concerns to us, by using our anonymous whistleblowing system Speak UP!. The system is fully compliant with the EU-Whistleblowing Directive and implemented laws of EU member states.

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Group Corporate Compliance
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  • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics PDF : 212 KB
  • Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics PDF : 676 KB
  • LkSG Policy Statement PDF : 959 KB
  • ISO 37301 & ISO 37001 PDF : 441 KB