Project experience
ANDRITZ Hydropower in Canada completed recent projects in Canada, such as Wuskwatim (3 x 66 MW propeller units) in Manitoba, Lower Mattagami (approx. 3 x 72 MW diagonal units) in Ontario, Forrest Kerr (9 x 21.5 MW Francis units) in British Columbia, GM Shrum Poles 1-5 refurbishment in British Columbia, Wells stator rewind in Ontario, EB Campbell Units 7 & 8 Turbine, Generator and Gates refurbishment in Saskatchewan, Beechwood Kaplan turbine refurbishment in New Brunswick. In Quebec, recent projects include Bersimis 2 turbine refurbishment, Toulnustouc spherical valve works, Rapides 2 tension converter, Manic 1 static excitation, La Tuque 5 static excitation, Beauharnois static excitation and turbine refurbishment works.
Our worldwide installed-based equipment also recently included Nam Theun 2 in Laos (4 x 247 MW Francis and 2 x 43 MW Pelton units, Balance of Plant), Yixing in China (4 x 250 MW pump units, Balance of Plant), and John H Kerr in USA (6 x 46 MW Francis turbine, rewind and Balance of Plant refurbishment).