Centre of Competence Coating
The strength of ANDRITZ Hydro is the comprehensiveness of the competencies, ranging from research to hydraulic and mechanical design of turbines, manufacturing and coating.
ANDRITZ Hydro has a long experience in designing turbine for hydropower plants with high particle loads and more than 30 years of experience with SXHTM hard coatings. During these years continuous improvements were done regarding the design of the coated parts, as well as for the coating process.
The Centre of Competence Coating (CoC Coating) is based Vevey in Switzerland and has the following roles:
Coating product management
- technology development (R&D)
- coating production supervision
- coating performance assessment with dedicated erosion test rig trials
- technology consulting during project execution
Sediment erosion assessments
- survey of field results
- field inspections
- erosion model development (R&D)
Sales & marketing support
- tender assessments
- contractual guarantees for sediment erosion
Erosion test rig in the laboratory at ANDRITZ Hydro Vevey

Erosion test samples from the laboratory at ANDRITZ Hydro Vevey
Our dedicated erosion test rig allows the qualification of coatings and materials against sediment erosion. This is an important tool for quality assessment of our inhouse coating production, as well as for our continuous development efforts to improve coating performance and reduce production costs.
Pelton runner with (repairable) coating.
Pelton runner without coating (destroyed).