Austria - Dionysen

In October 2013, VERBUND Hydro Power AG awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO a contract for the refurbishment of the generators at the Dionysen hydropower station in Austria.

Located on the Mur River, in the Austrian province of Styria, the run-of-river hydropower station consists of two units, which were originally commissioned in 1949. 


In 2001 a modernization of the vertical Kaplan runners took place. After 65 years of operation, the generators exceeded their life span.

With this upgrade performance and efficiency of both generators will be enhanced. ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope includes the renewal of main generator parts, like the stator, the rotor body, rotor poles, brakes and fans and oil and brush dust exhauster. The generator shaft and the bearings will be refurbished and re-used. In addition, the contract contains dismantling, reassembling and the commissioning of the generators. The stator and poles will be produced in Weiz, Austria.

For each unit a maximum outage time of four months has been agreed. Start-up for unit 1 is scheduled for November 2014.


Output:2 x 10 MVA
Voltage:6.3 kV
Speed:214 rpm
Kraftwerk Fritzbach_Krafthaus_Luftbild_Vorabzug (Coopyright Zuchner)

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