HYDRO AUTOMATION DAY 2013 - International launch of HIPASE

HYDRO AUTOMATION DAY has been a key event on the calendars of ANDRITZ HYDRO Automation clients for years.

On November 21, 2013, it took place at “Palais Ferstel” in Vienna, Austria.


More than 300 people from 27 countries participated in this customer event, which was established many years ago. The number of visitors marked a new record.

As is traditional, the event started with keynote presentations from ANDRITZ HYDRO management and customer presentations, dealing with several topics of automation technology in hydropower plants.

The highlight of the day was the first presentation of the new product platform HIPASE – solely developed by ANDRITZ HYDRO. HIPASE is the first worldwide product which implies all functions of protection, excitation and synchronizing devices in one common platform. It includes a common engineering tool, which symbolizes the future of hydropower plant automation.

The world premier was supported by specific HIPASE presentations of the hardware and the engineering tool, two live presentation booths, a HIPASE showcase with three devices and the latest available marketing material (Hydro News 24, HIPASE folder and movie).The customer presentations, the world premiere of HIPASE and all technical sessions in the afternoon offered the best opportunity for very intensive discussions and exchange of experience between all participants.

A gala-dinner at the Viennese Hofburg supported by the musical show “Falco meets Amadeus” represented a closing highlight of this very successful day.

HIPASE displayed at the Palais Ferstel 

HIPASE displayed at the Palais Ferstel 

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