
Important Brazilian events in 2014

Throughout 2014, ANDRITZ HYDRO was participating in some major events of the electrical market in Brazil, with highlights in the presentation of papers at various technical seminars as well as institutional lectures.

For ANDRITZ HYDRO global as well as local events are means of communication that regularly prove to be an important tool for brand awareness and consolidation of the company’s know-how with those of customers and suppliers.

In May 2014, ANDRITZ HYDRO visited the SEPOPE XIII, a symposium of specialists in operation planning and electrical expansion, held in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, in the state of Paraná.

ANDRITZ HYDRO also participated in the IX SPMCH, a symposium on small and medium-sized hydropower plants, held in Curitiba, Paraná, as well as the VI ENAM, a national meeting on rotating machinery, which was held in Taubaté, state of São Paulo.

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