(C) Michel Martinez

The Largest in History

Alto Tâmega, Portugal

The Tâmega Hydroelectric Complex represents the largest hydropower project in the history of Portugal and, furthermore, is one of the European energy sector’s most important initiatives of the last 25 years.

Designed by Iberdrola to generate up to 1,760 GWh annually, Tâmega comprises three dams: Alto Tâmega, Daivões and Gouvães. In particular, the latter will be commissioned in 2021 and will be used for energy storage. It will guarantee the supply of energy for the almost three million inhabitants of the city of Porto. In 2023, the entire complex will be finished and ready to provide a combined generating capacity of about 1,158 MW.

Iberdrola, a leading company in energy storage, expects the Tâmega Hydroelectric Complex to boost northern Portugal's economy with the creation of 3,500 direct and 10,000 indirect jobs, especially in the towns nearby as the project is carried out. However, the true value of the Tâmega complex lies in PSPP Gouvães and its contribution when renewable energy production exceeds demand. The system, about 120 km northeast of the city of Porto, will use surplus energy to pump water back into the upper reservoir. From there it can be used to generate power when needed.

After the receipt of the contracts for the electro-mechanical equipment and the penstock for the pumped storage hydropower plant Gouvães in 2016, ANDRITZ Hydro secured a further contract with Iberdrola Generación España S.A.U. for the hydro-mechanical equipment in June 2017. The scope of the contract awarded comprises the design, manufacturing and installation supervision of trash racks, radial and roller gates and stop logs, including hydraulic equipment, for all three power plants of Tâmega Hydroelectric Complex. The contract represents a total of about 2,440 tons of steel.

For ANDRITZ Hydro this is the third contract received in the Alto Tâmega Hydroelectric project. Once more, ANDRITZ Hydro was able to secure the contract award with an economical and technically sound offer, as well as its long-term experience in the project management of such complex projects. With this latest contract ANDRITZ Hydro has become the main supplier for hydro equipment to this outstanding project.


Total output:1,158 MW
Av. annual production: 1,760 GWh
1,000 tons
(HPP Alto Tâmega)
780 tons
(HPP Daivões)
660 tons
(PSPP Gouvães)

Author: Klemens Blasl

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