(C) Michel Martinez

Peak Power 1,300 MW

Vianden, Luxembourg

At the end of August 2017, ANDRITZ Hydro received the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) for unit #11 of the Vianden pumped storage power plant in Luxembourg. Located in the Our Valley in the heart of the industrial areas of Northwest Europe between Luxembourg and Germany, the plant benefits from a favorable topographical position, excellent geological conditions along the Our River.

PSPP Vianden has been operating since 1962 with nine generating units – ten units since 1976. Due to the increasing need for balancing power, SEO (Société ­Eléctrique de l’Our S.A. Luxembourg) decided to expand the hydropower station with an eleventh unit. In 2010, SEO and RWE Power awarded ANDRITZ Hydro with the contract to supply a pump-turbine and the motor-generator for Vianden, the largest pumped storage power plant in Europe. This machine has a capacity of 200 MW and is housed in a separate cavern.

Grand Duke Henri von Luxemburg and the german federal president Joachim Gauck are synchronizing unit #11 together

The extensive warranty inspection of unit #11 was carried out by the customer from May until July 2017 and showed the excellent condition of the pump-turbine and the generator parts, although being in operation relatively frequently since its commissioning in September 2015. This was very pleasing, not only for the customer but also for ANDRITZ Hydro and all the engineers involved.

With 11 units and a total generating capacity of about 1,296 MW, the PSPP Vianden provides renewable, sustainable peak power to the European grid (see Cover Story "Pumped Storage for the Future").

The successful completion of the guarantee period has strengthened the customer’s trust in ANDRITZ Hydro and the position of the company in the European hydropower market.


Total output:  1,296 MW 
Scope:  1 x 200 MW
Head:  295 m
Voltage: 15.75 kV
Speed: 333 rpm
Runner diameter: 4,262 mm

Author: Hubert Schönberner

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