Hydro News Issue 37
Success built on sustainable innovation. Hydropower is a mature and established technology. In order to continue adapting to the constantly changing operating requirements on the world market, to support the energy transition effectively and sustainably, it requires continuous improvement and further development. Research & Development is an essential part, a rock-solid foundation of ANDRITZ to provide our customers with the best and most modern equipment.
We are pleased to present the new issue of our customer magazine HydroNews No. 37. We cover topics ranging from research and development at ANDRITZ including the inauguration of the world's largest test rig for turbines and a cooperation with Formula 1 Sauber Technologies, to interviews on the topic of "Women in Technology" highlighting a diverse workforce. A showcase of projects from all over the world and presenting of innovative products such as synchronous condensers are demonstrating once again heads-on experience and the high commitment of our employees to make the world a better place with hydropower.
Join us on our journey through ANDRITZ Hydro and the world of hydropower R&D.