Research and development

Powering sustainable growth

Join us in Bali for the 2023 World Hydropower Congress

The World Hydropower Congress will take place at the Nusa Dua Convention Centre on the Indonesian island of Bali, between October 31st and November 2nd 2023.

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“Selamat Datang / A warm welcome !”

Under the leadership of H.E. the Indonesian President Joko Widodo, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has set out an ambitious path for growth through renewable energy development, including hydropower.

Over 200 high level speakers from governments, industry, finance, research, and civil society are expected to participate in over 30 sessions. The event will cover key issues such as clean energy security and flexibility, climate mitigation, resilience and adaptation, water use, the water-energy-food nexus, sustainability, policy, finance, and many more.

ANDRITZ is not only a proud member of the International Hydropower Association, but also a supporting partner of the 2023 World Hydropower Congress. 

As electricity grids become more dependent on variable sources of generation such as solar photovoltaic and wind, the need for long-term storage and flexibility will increase in line with decarbonization. ANDRITZ is pleased to host a session on how hydropower can contribute to flexible, stable, and low-carbon grids. This session will explore hydropower's critical role in enabling the energy transition and how it supports keeping the lights on.

Participants are also offered a tour of the Cirata hydropower project, located on the Ciratum River in West Java. With its 1,008 MW of installed capacity and an annual electricity production of 1,428 GWh, Cirata is the largest hydropower power plant in Indonesia and at the same time one of ANDRITZ’ best showcases.

ANDRITZ is an important partner for hydropower development in the region with a strong base in Indonesia for many decades. 

 2023 World Hydropower Congress

2023 World Hydropower Congress

We are looking forward to meeting you at the world's most important congress for sustainable hydropower!

Find out more and register here:


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