Generator Rehabilitation Program - Tasmania

In October 2015, Hydro Tasmania and ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a frame agreement for a generator rehabilitation program - a contract lasting for seven years. ANDRITZ HYDRO agreed to supply seven stators, five stator windings and four pole sets for 12 generators in eight different hydropower plants with rated outputs of 11-66 MVA.

In 2015, Hydro Tasmania produced more than 8,000 GWh of electrical energy - mainly through its 30 hydropower stations. Founded more than 100 years ago, today Hydro Tasmania is Australia’s largest renewable energy producer and the main energy supplier in Tasmania.

Macihne hall HPP Catagunya

Macihne hall HPP Catagunya

© Nejdet Duzen/

A key criteria for Hydro Tasmania to choose ANDRITZ HYDRO as supplier was the company’s technological know-how as well as positive experiences from previous co-operation, such as the stator rehabilitation at the Cethana and Fisher hydropower plants (see Hydro News 25). The Alternator Upgrade Program forms part of Hydro Tasmania’s overall upgrade program, and ANDRITZ HYDRO is pleased to support Hydro Tasmania with a rehabilitation program for Kaplan turbines, governors and control systems.

The contract started with the Se­par­able Portion No.1 (SP1), an order for the design of 12 generator units. After finalization of the design works for the generator at HPP Repulse (see Hydro News 27), Hydro Tasmania issued SP2, an order for the supply of a new stator winding for the same generator in March 2016. ANDRITZ HYDRO is manufacturing the stators and poles of the generator units for HPPs Catagunya 1 and 2, which will be delivered out of India in 2018. Furthermore, a design and lifetime study of the remaining generator components will be carried out. It will form the basis for a decision on whether any other generator components need refurbishment and if the expected lifetime of 50 years can be achieved without any further major refurbishment works.

Co-ordination between two generator manufacturing sites, while preserving highest quality standards and optimizing on-site works with local partners, proves the vast experience of ANDRITZ HYDRO in project execution.


Output12×11 - 66 MVA
Speed136.4 - 600 rpm
Voltage6.6 - 16 kV

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