East Africa

The region of East Africa encompasses following countries: Burundi, Dji­bouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mau­ritius, Réunion, Rwan­da, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda.

The region is dominated by the Great Lakes, the Great Rift Valley and the Nile Basin. It includes also islands like Mauritius, Réunion and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. Ethiopia is a fast growing economy and Kenya has the largest economy in East Africa; Tanzania or Uganda are rebounding after economic crisis.

Ethiopia shows the largest hydropower potential of 260,000; followed by Kenya with 40,000 GWh. Several countries in the region jointly share the electricity generated by some hydropower stations. The power generation of HPP Ruzizi I and II are shared between Rwanda, Burundi and DR Congo. The planned HPP Rusumo Falls will benefit Rwanda, Burundi as well as Tanzania.

A reformed energy policy and increase of investments result in development of new hydropower schemes or the rehabilitation of existing ones expanding people’s access rate to electricity which is not very high in most countries. This furthermore means a boost to large, medium and small economies and better farming thus higher economic growth rates.


Since almost 100 years ANDRITZ HYDRO is present in East Africa. More than 80 units with a total capacity of about 1,800 MW proof the strong presence in this diverse region. ANDRITZ HYDRO was invol­ved in important projects such as HPP Mtera in Tanzania, HPP Owen Falls in Uganda, HPP Ruzizi II in Rwanda, HPP Beles and HPP Gigel Gibe in Ethiopia, and HPP Kin­da­ruma in Kenya. Recent projects in Kenya were HPPs Lower Nyamindi, South Mara, and North Mathioya.

HPP Nkusi, Uganda

End 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO received a contract for a “from water-to-wire” package for the new 9.6 MW Nkusi hydropower plant in Uganda.
The project site is along Lake Albert in western Uganda, approximately 230 km west of Kampala. The scope of supply comprises supply, installation supervision, and commissioning of two horizontal Francis turbines including the upstream manifold, generators and additional equipment and installation up to the 33 kV switchgear. The HPP Nkusi project is scheduled to be completed by mid-2018.


Population: 301.9 Mio.
Access to electricity 43 %
Installed hydro capacity 7,065 MW
Hydro capacity under construction 7,411 MW
Hydro generation 20,935 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential      549,218 GWh
Installed capacity    1,811 MW
Installed units  84
The World Bank, IEA, World Energy Outlook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016

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