Kenya - Boosting the economy

Kenya is part of the African Great Lakes region and well-known for its safaris, diverse climate and geography, as well as expansive wildlife reserves.

The economy of Kenya is the largest in East and Central Africa and has grown over the last seven years. Only about 20% of the population has access to electricity. The country’s technically feasible hydropower potential is about 3,500 MW, though not even a quarter of that has been developed.

On-site HPP Kindaruma

There are no hydropower schemes currently under construction, but several in planning, such as The High Land Falls scheme with 700 MW or HPP Karura, both on the Tana River. An additional 120 MW could be achieved by modernization and upgrading of existing facilities. There is also the potential for several small-scale hydropower plants.

The government has a national energy strategy to boost the economy with the development of more hydropower.


ANDRITZ HYDRO’s activities in Kenya reach back to the 1960s, when the com­pany was involved in the initial installation of HPP Kin­da­ruma (72 MW). In 2010, ANDRITZ HYDRO received the order for the rehabilitation of this hydropower plant, which was successfully recommissioned in 2013. Other projects, such as HPP Masinga and the most recent order for HPP North Mathoyia, further strengthen the po­si­tion of ANDRITZ HYDRO in Kenya.

HPP Lower Nyamindi and HPP South Mara

The general EPC contractor JIANGXI Water and Hydropower Con­struc­tion Kenya Ltd. awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO with another two contracts to supply the complete electro-mechanical equip­ment, including two 930 kW Compact Francis turbines for HPP Lower Nya­mindi and one 2,200 kW six-jet vertical Compact Pelton turbine for HPP South Mara.

The two small hydropower plants were developed as pilot projects to generate power for the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA). Com­mis­sioning of both hydropower projects, which further secure independent electrical energy supply from two more installations under the management of KTDA Power Company, took place in August 2016.


Population46.05 Mio.
Access to electricity20 %
Installed hydro capacity820 MW
Hydro capacity under construction0 MW
Share of generation from hydropower43 %
Hydro generation3,308 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential     40,000 GWh
Installed capacity  113 MW
Installed units 8
Fleet share13.88 %
The World Bank, IEA, World Energy Outlook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016

Author: Martin Koubek

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