Morocco - Safe and stable

Morocco has the fifth largest economy of Africa and is regarded as liberal and stable.

Since the 1990s the progress of privatization has been ongoing, attracting investment and making Morocco a major player in African economic affairs. Government-backed reforms have induced steady growth over the last decade. In 2015, Morocco was named by a French consulting firm as the second safest country in Africa.

HPP Lau Talambot

There are more than 140 large dams in operation in the country, most of them for water supply, irrigation and flood control. More than half of the facilities are privately owned. Currently, there are 1,306 MW of hydropower installed, including pumped storage. About 33% of the nation’s total electricity production is covered by renewable energy resources such as hydropower, wind or solar. More than 5,000 GWh/year of technically feasible hydropower potential has encouraged the Moroccan government to expand its renewable energy capacity. A goal of making the renewable energy contribution more than 50% of installed electricity generation capacity by 2030 has been established. A number of facilities are currently under construction and many projects, pumped storage, large as well as small hydro, are in planning. About 60 large dams are planned by 2030.


ANDRITZ HYDRO has had numerous equipment deliveries to Mo­rocco through the years. The history of the company reaches back to the early 1920s. Since then ANDRITZ HYDRO has delivered or rehabilitated about 30 units with a total capacity of almost 800 MW, representing 60% of the nation’s total hydro generation ca­pa­city. Pro­jects such as HPP Afourer, HPP Al Massira, HPP Hansali (Dchar el Ou­ed), HPP El Khamir, HPP El Borg, HPP Tanafnit, and HPP Matmata are on ANDRITZ HYDRO’s reference list.


Population 34.38 Mio.
Access to electricity 99 %
Installed hydro capacity 1,306 MW
Hydro capacity under construction 170 MW
Share of generation from hydropower 1 %
Hydro generation  400 GWh
Technically feasible hydro generation potential       5,203 GWh
Installed capacity    787 MW
Installed units  30
Fleet share  60.30 %

The World Bank, IEA, World Energy Outlook, Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2016

 Author: Diego Vilanova

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