ANDRITZ Hydro business division key visual

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Republic of the Philippines - Green Energy for a Growing Economy

The Philippines will be the most rapidly growing economy in Southeast Asia in 2016, facing an enormous challenge regarding electrical energy supply.

Radical changes like government reforms and defined feed-in tariffs (FIT) for hydroelecric power encouraged many private investors and generated market competition. Hydropower is by far the largest renewable energy source with an actual total share of almost 12%. The undeveloped hydropower poten­tial is  about 20,000 GWh.

Rice terraces

Rice terraces

ANDRITZ HYDRO in the Philippines

Since 2009, ANDRITZ HYDRO operates an office in Manila. Although, ANDRITZ HYDRO has a long history in the Philippines with the first delivery of equipment in 1930. In total ANDRITZ HYDRO installed or rehabilitated more than 40 units with a capacity of over 1,600 MW.
During the past five years, ANDRITZ HYDRO has also focused on small hydro installations.

Irisan 1: 

In 2010, ANDRITZ HYDRO received an order from Hedcor Inc. to deliver the complete electro-mechanical package, including installation and commissioning for 
HPP Irisan 1.


In 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a contract with Sunwest Water and Electric Co. Inc for two 3.60 MW and one 800 kW Francis turbines for the Villasiga hydropower project.

Tudaya1 and 2:

ANDRITZ HYDRO was assigned to deliver the entire electro-mechanical equipment for HPP Tudaya?1 and HPP Tudaya 2 in 2012.


In May 2013, another con­tract was signed with Hedcor Inc. The scope of supply consists of two 7.4 MW Pelton turbines and a complete “from water-to-wire” package.


The contract for the supply of the complete electro-mechanical works for the 8 MW hydropower plant Catuiran was signed with Sta. Clara International Corp. in November 2014.

Manolo Fortich1 and 2: 

In 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO received contracts for the two cascading plants HPP Manolo Fortich 1 (44.4 MW) and Manolo Fortich 2 (26.1 MW).

Besides these Compact Hydro pro­jects, ANDRITZ HYDRO has received some large rehabilitation orders in the past, such as HPP Pantabangan (output increase from 103 MW to  121 MW), HPP Magat (extensive rehabilitation, 4×92 MW), HPP Ambuklao (output increase from 75 MW to 105 MW), HPP Binga (hydraulic steel structures, 140 MW), HPP Agus 1 (E&M equipment, 80 MW), HPP Pulangi IV (E&M equipment, 261 MW), HPP Agus 6 (52 MW), and HPP Kalayaan, the first pumped storage power plant in South­east Asia, where ANDRITZ HYDRO supplied a 172 MW unit.

ANDRITZ HYDRO is looking forward to being a part of the development of this booming market.

Compact Hydro units

Compact Hydro units


99 Mio.Population
87.5%Access to electricity
3,543 MWInstalled hydro capacity
115 MWHydro capacity under construction
12%Share of generation from hydropower
9,137 GWhHydro generation
20,334 GWhTechnically feasible hydro generation potential                        

Hydropower & Dams World Atlas 2015 and The World Bank

Dam of Cirata hydropower plant

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