
Schuler to be renamed ANDRITZ Schuler


More than a decade after acquiring Schuler, the world's leading manufacturer of presses for the automotive industry, ANDRITZ is taking the next step towards integration: Schuler will be renamed ANDRITZ Schuler.

The joint market presence increases transparency and makes it easier for customers to access integrated solutions.

“Schuler” will remain as a product brand and will continue to be maintained as ANDRITZ Schuler presses. The names of the Schuler Group companies are given the prefix ANDRITZ.

This integration also documents Schuler's transformation from a press manufacturer to an integrated solution provider in forming and handling technology. This makes it easier for customers to recognize integrated solutions from ANDRITZ and gives them faster access to expertise in the group.

“The number of joint projects with other ANDRITZ companies has increased significantly as a result of our battery activities. The customer benefits of our joint presence are evident,” said Martin Drasch, CEO of Schuler.

Joachim Schönbeck, President and CEO of ANDRITZ, added: “Schuler is a name that stands for top performance in press engineering, and our customers can continue to rely on that in the future.”

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“Schuler” will remain as a product brand and will continue to be maintained as ANDRITZ Schuler presses.

International technology group ANDRITZ provides advanced plants, equipment, services, and digital solutions for a wide range of industries, including pulp and paper, metals, hydropower, environmental, and others. Founded in 1852 and headquartered in Austria, the publicly listed group employs about 30,000 people at 280 locations in over 80 countries.

As a global leader in technology and innovation, ANDRITZ is committed to fostering progress that benefits customers, partners, employees, society, and the environment. The company’s growth is driven by sustainable solutions enabling the green transition, advanced digitalization for highest industrial performance, and comprehensive services that maximize the value of customers’ plants over their entire life cycle. ANDRITZ. FOR GROWTH THAT MATTERS.

ANDRITZ Metals is – via the Schuler Group – one of the world’s leading suppliers of technologies, plants and digital solutions in metal forming. The product portfolio also includes automation and software solutions, process know-how and service. In the metals processing segment, the business area offers innovative, sustainable and market-leading solutions for the production and processing of flat products, for welding systems and furnaces with its own burner solutions, as well as services for the metals processing industry.

Contact us
Susan Trast
Head of Group Communications & Marketing
  • Press release and photo ZIP : 3 MB