Sundwig 6-high cold rolling mill
The special features of 6-high mills are additional intermediate rolls with positive and negative bending and lateral shifting in order to influence the shape and flatness of the rolled strip.
6-high cold rolling mill
Product description
The diameter of the 6-high work rolls amounts to approximately 1:4 in relation to the barrel length. In comparison to a 4-high mill stand, the utilization range is wider. This type of rolling mill is mainly used in offline applications for cold rolling of soft and medium strip and for a wide range of strip widths.
Strengths and benefits of the 6-high cold rolling mill
- Rolling technology for highest quality standards
- Proven and sophisticated design
- Meets the most exacting requirements regarding process technology, reliability, and maintenance
- Deformation-optimized housing geometry
- High control dynamics
- High screw-down speed
- Mill-fixed work roll bending (Mae West block) – positive and negative
- Mill-fixed work roll axial shift arrangement (push/pull)
- Automatic pass line adjustment
- Pre-commissioning at ANDRITZ Sundwig workshop