

CircleToZero is the global ANDRITZ initiative to achieve zero emissions and zero waste while creating sustainable financial growth for our customers. For pulp and paper customers it means eliminating unused industry side streams, turning them into new value-added products and achieving zero waste and zero emission production.


Opportunities for elimination, reduction, and re-use in and outside the mill:

Gaseous side streams

CircleToZero opportunities 

Nitrogen oxides

NOx reduction technologies  

Sulfur dioxide 

SO2 removal technologies 

Odorous gases 

Odorous gas handling and treatment  

Carbon dioxide 

BioCO2 utilization with hydrogen to produce biomethanol 

Solid side streams 

CircleToZero opportunities 

Dregs and Grits 

Source of alkali 

Conversion into fertilizers by removing hazardous components 


Conversion into pellets 

New product development 

Ash and Gasifier bottom ash 

Purification and re-use outside the mill 

Gasifier bottom ash as new raw material 

Lime mud  

Purification and re-use 

Source of alkali 

Liquid side streams 

CircleToZero opportunities 


New strategies to handle filtrates  

Recirculation of purified filtrates  

Reduced fresh water usage that is aiming towards Zero liquid discharge mill 

Raw methanol 

Purification and re-use in and outside the mill 

New revenue generation 


Re-use of condensates 

Fresh water usage reduction  

Sulfate rich streams 

Extraction of sulfate to reduce the fresh water usage  

Crude Sulfate turpentine

Purification and re-use outside the mill 

New revenue generation 

For a better tomorrow. FOR THE CHANGE.


* Trademark of the ANDRITZ GROUP. For information regarding ownership and countries of registration, please visit

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Podcast Slider Bild #15

Podcast about Klabin’s Puma Mill

Is this the very best showcase of sustainability at an integrated pulp and paper mill?

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Reduce carbon footprint in pulp mills

Biomass Gasification for Lime Kilns — Going fossil fuel free is an urgent sustainability topic that has become even more critical due to the current global energy crisis. It is clear we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuel.

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GOING FULL CIRCLE Sulfuric Acid Production for Puma I and II

Brazilian pulp and paper giant Klabin is further closing the circular sustainability loop at its Puma I and Puma II projects in the south of the country. Soon it will be making its own sulfuric acid from captured non-condensable gases at its Ortigueira mill site. ANDRITZ expertise is paving the way.

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Biomethanol– forming a circular bioeconomy at pulp mills

Over recent times pulp mills have become much more than simply “tonnes per year” in terms of revenue. First came the added extra of energy and district heating, then extracts of tall oil and turpentine, now all sorts of areas for extra revenue are being identified at pulp mills. As a clear example – and with the help of ANDRITZ – Swedish market pulp giant, Södra, recently started up the world’s first biomethanol plant at its Mönsterås mill in Sweden.

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Circle To Zero – Towards Zero Emissions and Zero Waste at Pulp and Paper Mills

CircleToZero™ is a global ANDRITZ initiative with the goal of achieving zero emissions and zero waste at the same time as creating financial growth for customers. For pulp and paper producers, this means eliminating unused industry side streams, turning them into new value-added products and achieving zero emissions and zero waste production.

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CircleToZero: Working Together on Sustainable Targets

Interview with Naveen Chenna, Head of Business and Technology Development, ANDRITZ

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  • CircleToZero - Towards Zero Emissions and Zero Waste at Pulp and Paper Mills PDF : 806 KB
  • Södra Moensteras

    Biomethanol - Forming a circular bioeconomy at pulp mills

    PDF : 1.1 MB