
Biomass powder burning: A simple solution to replacing fossil fuels in the lime kiln

Replacing fossil fuels with renewable alternatives in the lime kiln is now more attractive than ever. ANDRITZ’s solution is exactly what you have been waiting for: technically easy to adapt, simple and reliable to operate, and financially appealing.

Alternative methods for firing boilers and kilns have been highly anticipated. For these methods to become widespread, they need to be simple, effective, and extremely energy efficient. Such a solution is ANDRITZ’s biomass refining technology, tailormade for the lime kiln.   

Jari Vuorela, Product Manager, ANDRITZ

“We provide a very efficient solution to powderize the biomass where the high-quality, consistent refined powder is automatically fed to the lime kiln instead of fossil fuels.

Jari Vuorela

 Product Manager at ANDRITZ

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“The use of biomass instead of fossil fuels represents a number of solutions pulp producers are facing in the reduction of carbon footprint at mills.”   

The biomass can come in different shapes and sizes, and can be mill residues, wood waste or pellets.  The ANDRITZ LimeBio-Powder lime kiln biofuel plant solution fits perfectly into the pulp mill infrastructure and is easy to operate from the interfaces provided, which means no steep learning curve for the operators. Once running, it is fully autonomous and can be implemented to any DCS systems or ANDRITZ automation and digitalization solutions.  


To provide the solution, the experts at ANDRITZ have adapted well-established powderizing technology, which uses specialist refining equipment based on disc cutting technology. This proven technology is already used successfully in other industrial areas including the production asphalt and energy generation. 

Vuorela says, “The particle size that makes up the powder is very important to maintain the efficient combustion in the lime kiln and maintaining the correct temperature profile.

Our solution for biomass powder burning ensures the correct, consistent fineness of the powder at the same time as using the minimum amount of energy. 

Refiner mill


“We have adapted the technology for use in the lime kiln to make it simple to operate and easy to maintain. The whole LimeBio-Powder system has a small footprint, is easy to install and when operational is quite similar to fossil fuel feeding systems.”


ANDRITZ’s solution for biomass powder burning results in major savings by using residue from the wood area and other biomass, which along with the reduction of CO2 emissions means the return on investment can be made in just two years. Now is the time to invest as new regulations in Europe mean that pulp producers will be hit with costs as much as Euro 100 per ton of CO2 in the near future. Vuorela concludes, “Using biomass as a replacement for fossil fuels goes some way to alleviate these new regulatory challenges. The elimination of the use of fossil fuels can also save costs on fuel oil as well as reduce dependence on what can be a volatile market.

“Furthermore, the switch to renewable fuels greatly improves the sustainability profile of pulp mills.”    

“Biomass powder burning” is actually a new term. The phrase was invented by the clever experts at ANDRITZ whose sole aim is to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of pulp mills. These endeavors go across the board, from the woodyard to the final bale of pulp. In its latest move, ANDRITZ has come up with a simple and efficient solution to fueling the lime kiln using powdered biomass made up of forest residues, waste wood and pellets. 

As it becomes increasingly clear that climate change is real, governmental regulations are tightening and industrial operations are finding themselves at the heart of finding solutions to reducing emissions and eliminating the use of fossil fuels.

“It’s a simple, effective and extremely energy efficient way of eliminating fossil fuels in the lime kiln, with the whole process being fully automated.

This is good for the customer and good for the planet.”  


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