To achieve our environmental goals we implement measures to improve energy efficiency and increase the share of renewable energy sources at our locations. Apart from that, we are continuously minimizing the environmental impact of our facilities regarding water consumption and waste production.
To prevent accidents, we foster a pro-active safety culture. With offering equal opportunities, fair pay, exciting international career paths and further development options we want to show our added value as an employer.
Compliance and ethics form the foundation of the way we do business. That's why we leave nothing to chance here. Our goal: No compliance misconducts. However, sustainability and compliance not only affect our own sites, but also our supply chain. Close cooperation with our suppliers is very important to us, which is why we attach great importance to our supplier onboarding.
To achieve our ESG goals, every initiative and project of our locations counts. That's why we want to highlight some of their efforts in the following and provide an overview of what happens at ANDRITZ throughout the year in relation to ESG.
In short: for us, sustainability is key to the collective future – and our environmental, social and governance program is just part of that tangible commitment. Because WE CARE.